2022 – until today Line manager for placement in MSc Counseling and Positive Psychology, New York College / Bolton University, UK
2016 – until today Professor of Psychology at New York College, Athens, Greece
2015 – until today Scientific Officer, Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy Athens, ICPA, Athens, Greece
09/2006-06/2015: Trainer and Supervisor, Institute of Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapy, Paleo-Palatinate (Greece).
12/2005-12/2006: Project Manager of the Psychologist, Municipality of Filothei, Filothei (Greece)
02/2005-10/2006: Research Associate with diagnostic and therapeutic duties, Institute of Mental and Sexual Health, Halandri (Greece)
2017: Tamba Bay Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies (Florida, USA) 4 years of training
2015: Diploma in Group Therapy from the Yalom Institute of Psychotherapy, USA.
2013: certificate of specialization in “Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice” (annual) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Center for Continuing Education and Training
2009-2010. University of Derby (United Kingdom)
2007-2009: Master’s degree in ‘Basic and Applied Cognitive Science’. “Basic and Applied Research in Basic and Applied Neuroscience” and “Basic and Applied Neuroscience”.
2007: Training in Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapy (final year) at the Institute for Research and Treatment of Behaviour
2006-2008. Faculty of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens (Greece)
2006-2007. Diploma in “Counselling and Guidance in Counselling and Counselling”, Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (Greece).