Couples therapy- Intensive Couples Therapy

Lena Kastrisiou, Μ.Εd, Psy.D
Phone: 6944 22 60 62
Email: [email protected]
Relationship and Dating Coaching for Singles.
Are you still single ? Do you feel satisfied and happy with your personal life ?
Nowadays even though relationships are extremely meaningful to attain, nobody can live through life totally alone. Unfortunately, we have become cautious and fearful in meeting new people. The dating process for many reasons has become a scary proposition. Regardless of someone’s age, personality and personal circumstances, life conditions have played a negative role in the development of relationships. The issue of time restriction, fear of intimacy, and negative thoughts connected with past relationships that have not worked, lead people to prefer not to risk closeness and intimacy.
In our office we believe that it is well worth the effort to try to establish partnership in our life.
Αll our staff are very experienced with issues around relationships. We can help you by providing individual psychotherapy or counseling so that you can feel confident about the dating process.
Additional Personalized Services
Dating Coaching, Image consulting.
Learn how to attract the right people
Expand your social network and make new friends
End confusion about your dating dilemmas
Referral to OnePlusOne Dating, a Dating Club which provides personalized matchmaking services. International Online Singles Community, events, Personal VIP services.